Warm up – 3 Rounds – 10 Reps of each
Wrist Rolls / Elbow Rolls / Toe Touch + Reach (reach higher than I did in the video!!) / Standing A-March (30 secc hold/ side) / Invisible Hurdle / Leg Swings
A1) 90-90 Hips x 10 /side (20)
rest 30 sec
A2) Side To Side Cossack Squats x 10 /side (20)
+ weight if you possible / you have the ability (mobility!!) to
rest 60 sec x 3 sets
Metcon – 5 Rounds
5 DB Deadlift
4 DB Hang Power Clean
3 DB Power Jerk
2 DB Split Jerk
- 1 round = Right arm then left arm
Mobility – Post Hamstring Stretch – 2 min/side
Wrist + Forearm x 3 – 4 min
Bottom of Squat Hold 2 min
March 25, 2020