**Reminder Zoom classes start today and will run Mon/Wed/Fri @ 630 + 1030 am and 530 pm**
Buy in – 2 Rounds
10 Each Way Arm Swings + Slaps
10 Good Mornings
10 Plank Kick Throughs
10 Curtsy Lunge
A) EMOM x 15min
- 60 seconds of 2 alternating Forward Lunge + 1 Air Squat
- 45 second Elbow Plank
- 16 Tempo Mountain Climbers * 1 sec holds
Metcon – “The Chief” with a DB
3 min work – 1 min rest x 5 for as many reps as possible
4 Alternating DB Power Cleans
6 Push-ups
8 Air Squats
*start where you left off
Mobility/Buy out –
2 x 10 each grip pass through
then 2 min Front Rack Opener
April 15, 2020