Monday May 4th “At-Home Workout”

ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

Warm up – 3 Rounds

10 Up-Down Jumping Jacks

10 High Knee + Jump ( 4 high knees then jump = 1 rep )

10 Deadbugs

A1) Front Raise x 10

A2) Lateral Raise x 10

A3) Bent Over Lateral Raise x 10

A4) Full Can x 10

A5) Empty Can x 10

rest 60-90 sec x 4-5 sets with light weight perfect technic

Metcon – For time

50 DB Curls

50 DB Lunges

50 DB Press

50 DB Clungers (luster with a curl)

50 DB Press

50 Lunges

50 Curls

Mobility – 2 min per side Couch stretch

2 min Frog (active)

May 4, 2020
