Buy in – 8 min
200m Run / 8 Inch Worm / 8 Cossack Squats / 3-5 strict pull ups / 5 Kip swings
for time
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
1 mile run
- 50 min cap
- Can do as written or break up as needed
- Scale is 1/2 all the reps
if you missed “Murph” today is the day
Warm up – 3 Rounds
300m row / 10 Bird dogs each side / 10 Face Pulls / 5 YTWA’s (light plates) / 30 sec squat hold
Mobility – Hand in High band + Pec stretch
A1) Double DB Bent over row x20 (moderate)
A2) Tricep Kick Back x10 each side (light)
x4 sets
B) Banded Pallof Press 4×15 each side
C) 30 Second Hollow
30 Sit-ups
rest 60-90 x3 sets
Buy in – 3 Rounds
100 Single Unders / 12 Light Alt. DB snatch / 10 BB deadlifts no load / 10 Squat Jumps / 30 sec high plank
A) Deadlift 5×5 at heavy
after each set 5 each side KB SLRDL
rest 60-90 between sets
B) 30-20-10 For time
DB snatch (heavier than normal)
Burpee Box jumps
Ea warm up
A) Back squat + Front squat
(5+1) x 5 heavy sets
B) Power Clean
build to a heavy 3 TNG
Buy in – 2 Rounds
20 Reverse Lunges / 20 Banded Pull Aparts / 30 Jumping Jacks / 10 Plank up downs
A) Run 3x1000m rest 2-4 min between sets
B) Strict Press 9-7-5-3 building and heavy
C) Single Arm KB Bench Press x8-12 x3 sets
D) Banded Tricep Press Downs x25 x3 sets
Pick your day!
May 31, 2021