May 25th to 30th programming!!

Monday – Closed


Buy in – EA Warm up (10 min)

Murph Prep Monday on a Tuesday!

For time

400m Run

5 Rounds

10 Strict Pull ups

20 Push ups

30 Air Squats

after 5 rounds 400m run

rest 5 min

Run 400m

10 Rounds

5 Strict Pull ups

10 Push ups

15 Air Squats

After 10 rounds 400m run

20 Min cap on both parts (5 rounds and 10 rounds including runs)


If you missed yesterday I recommend you hit Murph Prep

Warm up – 3 Rounds

300m Row / 20 Banded Pull Aparts / 20 Speed Skaters / 10 TKE (each side)

A) Barbell Bent Over Row – 10-8-6-6

build to a challenging weight for each set

B) Alternating DB Curls 3×20 (moderate)

C) Bottoms Up KB press 3×8-12 (moderate each side)

D) Banded Seated Row 3×25


Buy in – 12 min

1 min Skipping / 12 Sumo KB high pull / 12 Sit ups / 12 Deadbug

A) Power Clean + Jerk Dip + Power Jerk

5 sets * rest 60-90 second

B) Power Clean + Power Jerk

3 sets * rest 90 second

C) 3 Rounds for time

20 Push Press 75/55

30 Sit ups


Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-10)

12 Goblet Cossack Squats / 10 Hip Flow (mobility!)/ 10 Zombie Squats / 30 Second Supinated dead hang

mobility – calf and frog (10-15)

A) Front Squat + Back Squat (15-30/35)

(1+2) 5 sets at 80-85%

B) 3 x 800m run (30/35-60)

rest 2 min between sets


pick your poison from the week

May 25, 2021
