Buy in – EA warm Up
A1) Incline Db Bench Press x 6
A2) Supinated BB row x 6
rest 90 x6 sets building
B) For time
100 Double Unders
12 Strict HSPU
12 Power Cleans (165/110)
12 Strict HSPU
100 Double Unders
Buy in – 3 Rounds
250m Row / 10 Goblet Squats / 10 Groiners / 10 Front Rack Rockers
Mobility- Calf and front rack
A)Pause Front Squat – 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
Rest 60-90 between sets
B) 21-15-9
Double KB Front Squats
Cal Row or air bike
rest 1:1 then repeat
Buy in – Snatch Burgener Warm up
A) Pause Power Snatch into OHS
3 @ 60% , 3 @ 65% , 2 @ 70% , 2 @ 75% , 1 @ 80 % x2
- % of power snatch 1rm
- rest 60-90 between sets
B) Power Clean + Push Jerk waves
2@70%, 2@75%, 1@80%, 2@75%, 2@80%, 1@85%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90-95%
- % of power clean
- rest 60-90 second between sets
C) Buy out – 3×10 Side lying rotations
Buy in – 2 Rounds
50 Jumping Jacks / 10 Each Side SLRDL / 10 Banded Good Mornings / 20 Banded Pull Aparts
A) Deadlift 4×4
*these are working sets
*build to heavier than last weeks 5s
B) 15-12-9 x2 1 set every 10 min
Row or bike (air bike not concept2) (whichever you didn’t use Tuesday)
Buprees over rower or lateral over bar if you are using the bike
Buy in – 10 Legs swing each leg (both directions) / 30 sec walk each – toe walk, heal walk, toes out, toes in, lunge with twist, figure four walk, knee to chest walk
A) Run 3 x 1600m (1 mile)
rest 2-4 min
*try and pick up pace each round
B) 12-10-10-8 Chainsaw Row (challenging weight for each set) (each side)
C) Banded Lat Pull downs 3×25 (light)
D) Banded Curls 3×30 (light)
Pick a day you missed from the week!
June 7, 2021