Buy in – 2 Rounds
200m Jog / 10 Hang Scap Retractions / 10 Arch Hollows / 5 inch Worm w/push ups / 10 Air squats
Metcon – 4 Rounds for time
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
400m Run
50 Air Squats
rest 3 minutes
Buy in – 2 Rounds
10 Pause Air Low Box Squats / 5 Broad Jumps / 10 Ring Rows / 10 Each Arm KB Push Press
Mobility – Elevated Pigeon Pose
A) Pause Low Box Squats 5×3 @6-10/10 RPE
*stance should mimic regular squat
*pause for 2 seconds
Metcon 7 RFT
15 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb
Buy in – EA Warm up
A) Narrow Grip Bench 5×4
*30 second wide grip push ups
B) Pistol Progression week 1
35% of 2 min into 10 box jumps
rest 90 seconds
30% of 2 min into 20 box jumps
rest 60 seconds
25% of 2 min into 30 box jumps
Buy out – 4×30-60 second Handstand Hold
Buy in – 3 Rounds
20 Penguin Taps / 20 Double Penguin Taps / 5 each, Clean Deadlift, Clean Pull, Clean High Pull, Muscle Clean, Push Jerk
A) Above Knee Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + Power Jerk
*build to a heavy in 6-7 sets
Metcon – 3 Rounds
15 Vsnaps
60 Double Unders
15 Burpees
60 Double Unders
Rest 60 seconds
May 24, 2022