May 30 to June 5th programming!!


Warm up – 10 min

100m Jog / 7 Ring Rows / 7 Inch Worm / 4 Push ups / 6 Air Squats


1 mile Run

100 Pull ups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1 mile Run

Partition the middle however you see fit!


If you missed “Murph” you are doing Mondays

Buy in – 3 sets

20 Walking Lunges (one KB in front rack, one overhead) switch at 10

20 BB Good mornings (pause at end range)

10 Side Lying Hip Raise (each side)

Mobility – 10 pass throughs each grip

A) Hang Snatch Pull x2 + Hang Snatch x1

waves at 65/70/75/80/70/75/80/85

B) Plate Snow Angels – 4×10

C) Bicycle Crunch – 4×20


If you have missed Murph today is your day!

Buy in – 2 Rounds

40 Jumping Jacks / 10 Banded Good Mornings / 20 Banded Pull Aparts / 10 Db Snatch

A) Deadlift x5 moderate x6 sets

*5 broad jumps after each sets

Metcon – 3 Rounds

20 Alternating DB Snatch

20 Burpees

rest 2 min


Buy in – EA warm up

A) Box Squats At Parallel – Build to a 2 RM in 6-7 sets

B) 200m Heavy farmer carry x3-5 (don’t wimp out on weight)

C) Buy out – 1 min each

quad stretch

standing stradle

seated forward fold


Buy in- 2 Rounds

10 Single Arm DB Step up each side

7 Dumbbell Tempo Sumo Deadlifts (5 second descent, explode up) (Heavy)

10 Dumbbell Tempo Chinese Row (5 second descent, hold at the top for 2 seconds)

Metcon – 2 Rounds for time

300m Row/Ski

15 Thrusters (95/65)

75 Double Unders

15 Thrusters

300m Row/Ski

rest 5 min

Buy out – 2-3 rounds

Barbell 21s

Banded Tricep Extension x15

May 30, 2022
