May 16 – 22 Programming!!


Buy in –

5 min Cardio – 10 Air squats EMOM

then 3 Rounds

5 Inch Worms

10 Hang Scap Retractions

Metcon- Partner 25 min AMRAP

5 Pull ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats

A) Strict Press 5×4 @ 6-10 RPE

10 DB Push Press AFAP

rest as needed


Buy in – 2 Rounds

200m Run / 10 SLRDLs w/ 2 DBs / 10 Quad. TSpine Rotations / 1 min HS Hold

A) Deadlift 5×4 between 6-10 RPE

*after each set 3 max height jumps

Metcon- 12 min AMRAP

400m Run



Buy in – 2 Rounds

50 Plate Hops / 10 Heal Elevated Air Squat / 10 Pause Front Squat (empty bar) / 5 Spiderman Lunge each side

Mobility – Front rack Fixer in box

A) Tempo Heal Elevated Front Squat 5×3 @5050 keep light and at tempo

*heals on 25# plate

B) Build to a Heavy Single Front Squat in 4-5 sets

Metcon – for time

50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders

20 Burpees Between each set


Buy in – EA Warm up

A) Low pause Box Squats 5×4 @ 6-10 RPE

*should be close to bottom of squat

B) Ring Row 4×10-15

Metcon – 4 Rounds

4 Power Cleans (135/95)

100m Sprint

Walk back then go again


Buy in – 3 Rounds

10 Samson Lunges / 20 Sit ups / 10 Lateral Medball Tosses / 20 Hollow Rocks

A) Wide Grip Bench 5×5 @ 8-10RPE

*after each set :30 narrow push ups

B1) Standing DB Lateral Raises x10

B2) Alternating Db Hammer Curl x10 each

B3) Standing French Press x10

B4) Plank Toe Touch x20

rest 60-90 x4-5 sets

if you haven’t done your 2 min max Pistols do it today

May 16, 2022
