Buy in – 2 Rounds
10 Single arm DB Thruster each arm / 1 min plank high plank / 1 min hollow rocks / 10 BB Push Press
Mobility – Super front rack / wrist stretch
A) Push Press – 3-3-2-2-1-1-1
Rest 60-90 BTW sets
B) For time
18 DB Thrusters (40/25s)
200m Run
15 DB Thrusters
200m Run
12 DB Thrusters
200m Run
9 DB Thrusters
200m Run
6 DB Thrusters
200m Run
3 DB Thrusters
*15 min cap
Buy in – 3 rounds
1 min row or ski / 5 inchworm to jump / 5 Light Clean and Jerks
A) 10 Rounds for time
3 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
3 Bar Facing Burpees
- 10 min cap
B) Clean Deadlift 1” off floor + Clean Deadlift to knee + Clean Deadlift to mid thigh + Clean + Jerk x 3 sets at 70-80% of 1rm C+J
C) Clean Deadlift to mid thigh + Clean + Jerk x4 sets at 85-95% of 1rm C+J
Buy in – 2 Rounds
20/16 Cal Row or ski / 10 V ups / 10 Abmat sit ups / 10 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Press each arm (moderate) / :30 second Handstand hold
WOD prep – 1 round – 5/4 cal row or ski / 5 Sit ups / 3 HSPU
WOD – 15 min AMRAP
20/16 Cal Row or Ski
30 Sit-ups
10 Handstand Push-ups (Rx+ add deficit)
A) Strict Chin Up 8-8-6-4
*build to challenging weight each set
B) Dumbell Bent over row 4×8-10 (each side and heavy!)
C) Deficit Push-up 3×15
Buy in – EA warm up
A) Front Squat + Back Squat + Goblet Squat
*build to a heavy in 6-7 sets
*heavy but fast goblet squats
B) 100 box step ups for time
*make sure to stand tall at he top
Buy in – 10 Legs swing each leg (both directions) / 30 sec walk each – toe walk, heal walk, toes out, toes in, lunge with twist, figure four walk, knee to chest walk
A) Run 3x2000m
rest 2-4 min between sets
B) DB Strict Press 11-9-7-5
*build to a challenging weight each set
C) Incline DB Bench 3×10-12 (heavy)
D)BB Skull Crusher 3×15 (moderate)
choose your day
June 14, 2021