Buy in – 3 min Bike/Skip/Row
then – 2 rounds w/light KB 10 Russian KBS / 5 Snatch + 50 Ft OH carry each arm / 5 Tempo Goblet Squat @44×1 / 25ft Alternating Side Lunge
A) Back squat 2,4,2,4 * doubles at 85% and 4s @75-80%
B)EMOM x5 @65-75% of clean – 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat
Metcon – 15 Min AMRAP
3-5 Ring MU
HS walk 25ft (Bear walk 50ft)
Deavil Press x9 (50/35)
Bike 10/8 Cal
February 12, 2019