February 21st – 27th Programming!!
CrossFit Open 22.1 is announced Thursday and we will be doing it in all sessions Friday and Saturday!!! Who else is going to sign up and see how they fair against the thousands of other around the world?!?
Monday – It is open gym but here is something if you don’t want to think of something yourself
Buy in – 3 Rounds
1 min Row / 10 Medball Goblet Squats / 10 Medball Push Press Wall balls / 50 Single Unders
A) Strict Press – 5×3 @moderate load
Metcon – 1 set every 5 min 2-4 rounds
20/16 Cal Row
20 Wall Balls (20/14) keep these as close to unbroken as you can
80 Double Unders
Buy in – EA Warm up
Mobility – Barbell Front Rack Smash
a) Front Squat x2 -8 round one set every 90 seconds at 70-80%
Metcon – For Time
Double DB Cleans (50/35)
Burpees over DBs
*15 min cap
Buy in – 2 Rounds
From Hip 5 Shrugs / 5 High Pulls / 5 Muscle Snatch
From Above Knee Hang 5 Shrug / 5 High Pulls / 5 Muscle Snatch
Mobility – Seated Tspine Rotations + External rotations prepers
A) 15 min EMOM
5×1 High Hang Snatch
5×1 Hang Snatch
5×1 Snatch
Metcon – 18 min EMOM
3 Rounds
- 12/10 cal Erg
- 10 Box Jumps
- 12/10 cal Erg (different than first)
- 2 Bar Muscle Ups (6 pull ups)
- 30 sec toe taps on plate
- 30 sec wall walk
Buy in- 3 Rounds
20 Cossack Squats / 10 each side Bird Dog / 20 Plank Shoulder Taps / 20 Hip Flows / 30 Sec Squat Hold / 10 Each leg Single Leg Glute Bridge
Keep light if doing open tomorrow
A) Single Arm DB Z-press – 3×8 /arm
B) Prone DB Row – 3×8
C) Wide Stance Kb Romanian Deadlift 3×8
Buy out – Coach led Stretch
February 21, 2022