Buy in – 3 Rounds
Row – 10 Slow pulls + 10 Fast Pulls x2 / 20 Hip Flows / 10 Zombie Squats / 10 Front Rack Rockers
Mobility – wrist stretch and tricep smash
A) Pause Front Squat + Front Squat + Slow Eccentric Front Squat * build to a heavy in 6-7 sets
Metcon – 5 Rounds
10 Strict Pull ups
20 Push ups
30 Air Squats
Warm up – 2x
20 cal row or ski / 15 Glute Bridge / 20 cal bike / 20 (10 each side) Banded Clamshell / 10 Empty BB Press with 30 sec hold over head after
A) Tempo DB Zpress – 5×4 3 sec at the top and 3 down explode up
*after each set max Push Press (85/55) in 30 seconds
Metcon – For time
20 Cal Row/Ski
20 Cal Bike
20 Cal Row/Ski
rest 90 seconds
x3 sets
Buy in – EA Warm Up
A) Deadlift 8-8-6-6-4-4
after each set 5 Tall Box Jumps
Metcon – 2 rounds for time
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 Sit ups
10 Overhead Squats
15 T2B
10 Overhead Squats
rest 1:1
*5 min cap each set
Buy in – 3 Rounds
30 second hollow hold / 30 second superman / 30 second low plank / 30 second side plank each side
A) 4 Rounds
15 Barbell Curls
15 Good mornings
15 Russian Kb Swing
B) 4 Rounds
Reverse Grip BB row x10
Seated Banded Lat Pull down x10
Single Arm Db Row x10 per arm
c) Max Pistols in 2 mins
(keep a log of this we are doing a progression)
Buy in – 2 Rounds
40 Jumping Jacks / 20 Speed Skaters / 10 Pause Air Squats / 5 YTWA’s on floor
Mobility – Frog Stretch
A) Wide Stance Box Squat – 5×4 *working sets *feet just a bit wider than normal *box just bellow parallel
Metcon – 5 RFT
16/12 Cal Row
16 Wallballs
1 Complex – 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk @70-80%
May 9, 2022