Buy in – 10 Min easy
12 Box Step Overs / 10 Cossack Squats / 10 Banded Pull Aparts / 30 sec supinated hang
A) Murph Prep –
7 min AMRAP
200m Row
10 Strict Pull ups
rest 3 min
7 min AMRAP
200 m Row
15 Push ups
rest 3 min
7 min AMRAP
200 m Row
25 Air Squats
B) Pause Front Squats 6×2 building to a heavy
- 3 second pause in BOTTOM of your squat
Buy in – EA Warm up (0-15)
A) Dead stop Deadlifts 4×2 @ 87.5%+ (15-35)
B) For max reps of each:
5 min of double unders
5 min of clean and jerks
3 min of double Unders
3 min of clean and jerks
1 min of double unders
1 min of clean and jerks
(From .com) BB @ 95/65
Warm up – 10 Min
10 Up downs (no push up burpee) / 5 Spider-Man Lunge Stretch (each side) / 10 Samson Lunge
Mobility – (10-16)
1 Min quad stretch each side / 2 min standing straddle / 2 min tspine on foam roller
A) EMOM x 5 rounds (20-45)
- 12 Alternating Single arm DB Clean, reverse lunge, thruster
- 25 Sit ups
- 20 Light KB swings (fast)
- 5 high box jumps (one every 10 seconds) load and jump as high as you can
- rest
B) 2 rounds
10 Db Windmills each side (light)
10 Cat Cow
1:00 Hollow Hold
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge each side
10 Calf raises each side
Buy in – 3 Rounds
250 row / 10 Pike Push ups / 10 Goblet squats / 10 hip flow (90s)
A) Front Squat + Back Squat
(3+3)x 5 working sets * goal is what you hit last week for (2+3)
B) 3 wall walks + 10 Strict HSPU (or box)
rest 2 min x5 sets
Buy in – 10 Legs swing each leg (both directions) / 30 sec walk each – toe walk, heal walk, toes out, toes in, lunge with twist, figure four walk, knee to chest walk
A) 400m Run x6
rest 2 min between sets
B) pick weights to ensure all sets unbroken
3 sets
15 Banded Lat pull downs
15 DB lateral lat raises (light-moderate)
3 sets
20 Seated Db shoulder press (light-moderate)
20 DB Hammer Curls (light-moderate)
3 sets
20 DB front raise (light-moderate)
15 BB Curls (light-moderate)
May 10, 2021