May 3rd to 9th Programming!!!


Buy in – 12 min

15 cal Row/ski / 10 Each Leg Hurdle Steps (there and back) / 10 DB Press 5 each leg (stand on single leg) / 10 Reverse Scorpion (lay on back)

A) Strict Press – 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2

weights should be heavy and building through all sets!

B) Partner Wod – 25 min AMRAP

5 Strict Pull ups

10 Push ups

15 Air squats

1 round – you go I go


Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-15)

12/10 Cal Row/ski / 10 Alternating V ups / 10 Hollow Rocks / 10 Hanging Scap Retractions / 5 Kip swings

A) 7 min AMRAP



Cal Row/Ski

rest 3 min

Then start where you finished and go in reverse

B) Dead Stop Deadlift 3×3 @85%+

rest as needed between working sets

*make sure to get full tension before you lift


Buy in – EA Warm up

A) Front Squat + Back Squat

(2+3) x5 building

*start counting sets at about 60% of Back Squat

B) 100 Burpees for time


Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-10)

20 Penguin taps / 20 Double Penguin taps / Clean Grip- Shrug From Hip x3 , High pull from Hip x3, Power Clean from Hip x3 / 5 Split Jerks (pause for 3 seconds in split *wedge yourself between your 2 feet)

A) Above Knee Power Clean + Bellow Knee Clean + Split Jerk (10-20)

(2+2+2) 4 sets keep light all tech work

B) Powet Clean + Clean + Split Jerk

  • Build to a heavy in 6 sets

C) For time (15 min cap) means you must start before 45 on the clock so you can clean up!!

75 Double under

20 Front Squats (85/55)

rest 1 min

75 Double Unders

20 Overhead Squats (85/55)

rest 1 min

75 Double Unders

20 Thrusters (85/55)


Buy in- 4 Sets

15/12 Cal Row or Ski

15 Banded Good Mornings

10 Single arm Db Bench Press each side (light/moderate)

5 Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlifts each side ( light/moderate)

then build up weights for Bench and Deadlift

A) For time


Deadlift 225/155

Bench Press 135/95

rest 5 min


Deadlift 185/115

Bench Press 115/75

B) 4x400m run

rest 2 min between sets

  • First run in awhile so be smart don’t sprint if you haven’t sprinted in some time

May 3, 2021
