Buy in – 3 sets keep light but build through sets
Snatch Push Press x3 + Snatch Balance x1 + OHS x1
After each set 5 Turkish get ups each arm
A) Snatch Deadlift to mid thigh + Pause Snatch Pull (pause 2 seconds at top of extension) + Snatch Pull + Snatch
3 sets up to 70-75% of snatch 1rm
B) Snatch build to a heavy single in 10 min
C) Drop to 85% of B and do 1 rep emom for 3 min
Metcon – 3 RFT
400m Run
30 Sit ups
15 Deadlifts (225/155) keep under 60%
*18 min cap
Buy in – 3 rounds
35 Single unders / 5 V-push ups / :20 sec HS hold
A) Push Press – 10-10-8-8-4-4 *building
between each set 10 Db flies , 20 Banded Bicep curls , 20 Banded Tricep push downs
Metcon – 10 RFT
30 Double Unders
3 Strict HSPU
*11 min cap
Buy in – 3 Rounds
20 Air Squats / 20 Plank Toe Touches / 5 each side lateral box step up
Mobility – Pain ball on hips and glutes + Pancake
A) Front Squat 5×5 building but not to a max
between each set 8 Db row each side
B) 5 Rounds – 2 min work 2 min rest
40 Air Squats in remaining time max cal bike
split in half if more than 6 in class and MUST use air bike no C2!!
Buy in – EA warm up
A) 8×4 Deadlift @50%
Metcon For time
Power Clean and Jerk 135/85
Burpee Box Jump over 24/20
15 min cap
But in – 2 Rounds
21/15 cal row or ski / 10 Deadbug / 10 DB Push Press / 10 each arm SA DB OH Squat / 10 Hanging knees to chest (Kip)
Mobility – Tricep and forearm smash with BB
A) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
(1+2+3) x4 building
(1+1+1) x 4 building
Metcon – 3RFT
21/15 cal row or ski
15 OHS (75/55)
15 T2B
July 26, 2021