July 19th to 25th Programming!


Buy in – 4 min row or ski EMOM 3 inch worms

then 2 rounds – 30 Mountain Climbers / 10 Light DB Strict Press / 10 reverse scorpion

Mobility – 4 way wrist stretch

A1) Strict Press 10-8-6-4-2 *building

A2) Between each set 30 second DB OH Hold into 10 DB Bent over row

Metcon – 2 Rounds

20 Burpees over the rower

500/400m Row

20 Burpees over the rower

rest 1:1

6 min cap each round


Buy in – 2 Rounds

:30 sec hang from pull up bar

15 Banded Good mornings

12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Power Cleans

6 Shoulder to Over head

use an empty barbell

A) Cluster x1 EMOM x 10

build every round

Metcon – 4 Rounds

1 Round of DT

1 Round of heavy DT

1 Round of Dt

rest 2:1

DT round is 12 Deadlift + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Shoulder 2 OH

Rx 155/185 , 105/155

Scaled 115/155, 80/105


Buy in – EA Warm up

A) Tempo Back Squat 3×5 (working sets) @3311 stay just below 80% of 1rm

B) Back Squat 4×4 building off the weight you built to on the tempo squats

C) Bike – 10 sets – 30 sec bike FAST 30 sec rest

Must use air bike not concept 2 if full class half will go after squats other half before squats


Buy in – 2 Rounds

15 Sit ups / 20 Lunges / 30 Air Squats / 45 sec high plank

a) Tempo Alternating DB bench x5 each + 5 Double Db bench x5 sets

tempo @31×1

B) BB Skull Crusher 4×10-15 moderate

C) Seated DB Tricep extension 4×25

D) 5 min side plank – switch when you wish but do it as quick as possible


Buy in – 2 Rounds

50 Jumping Jacks / 10 KB SLRDL / 20 Hip Flow / 10 KBS

A) Deadlift – Build to a heavy single

Metcon – 12 Min AMRAP

20 KBS

20 Box Jumps

20 Russian KBS

20 Box step ups


Pick your day from the week!

July 19, 2021
