Buy in – 2 Rounds
50 Skips (singles or doubles or mix!) / 10 Hanging High Knees / 8 Box Step ups high / 5 Tempo Air Squats @62×0
A) Back Squat – 10-8-6-4-2
*after each set 10 max height wall balls
Metcon – For time
40 air squats
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
18-15-12-9-6 T2B
40 air squats
Buy in – 2 Rounds
10 Pass Throughs / 10 Glute Bridge / 5 Bird Dog each side
then coach led Burgener Warm Up
a) Snatch Deadlift to mid thigh + Snatch Pull + Pause Snatch (pause in catch for 3 seconds) x3 sets at 70-75%
b) Snatch Deadlift to mid thigh + Snatch x3 sets @80-85%
c) Snatch 3 sets at 85-90%
Metcon – 8 min AMRAP
15/12 Cal Row or ski
30 Sit ups
Buy in – 2 Rounds
15 Buprees / 5 Inch Worms / 6 Light DB Push press per arm / 6 SA DB OH Lunge per arm / 20 Plank Up Downs
A1) DB Bench Press x5 heavy!
A2) 20 Push ups
A3) 10 Wide Grip BB Curls
rest 60 x 4 working sets
Metcon 5 min on 5 min rest 5 min on
10 Left Arm DB Push Press
8 Left Arm OH DB Lunge
10 Right Arm DB Push Press
8 Right Arm OH DB Lunge
start where you left off
Buy in – EA Warm up
a) Push press build to a heavy double
b) Push Jerk build to a heavy double
Metcon – For time 3 Rounds
8 C+J (135/95)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
Buy in – 3 Rounds
15 Banded Good mornings / 10 Deadbugs / 10 hollow rocks / 45 second side plank each side
a) Deadlift – 10-8-6-4-2 building
*heavier than last week
*20 jump squats between each set
Metcon – 3 rounds for time
15 Thrusters (115/85)
9 C2B Pull ups
Pick your poison from the week
July 12, 2021