Buy In: i.EA Warm-Up ii. Shoulder mobility (0-15)
Conjugate Upper
A. Bench Press (ME) 5-5-3-3-2-2-1 (15-35)
B. Incline DB Press 2×15 (35-40)
C1. Close Grip Bench Press 2×10
C2. Tricep Pushdowns 2×10
(c’s 40-50)
D1. DB Row 2×10
D2. T2B 2 x 15
(d’s 50-60)
Conjugate Upper
if you did it yesterday look bellow
Warm up – 3 Rounds (0-15)
18 Alternating Front to Back Lunges
10 Inch worm with push up
8 Strict Pull ups
Mobility – Peanut on T-spine
A) DB Single Arm Overhead Forward Lunge x8 x6 sets
- Alternate arms each set
rest 90 btw sets
B) KB Swing 5×20
rest 1 min btw sets
C) 3 x 10 Plate Raises + 6/6 Plate Halos
rest 90 btw sets
Warm up – 2 Rounds (0-15)
20 Penguin Taps / 20 Double Penguin Taps / 10 PVC OHS / 10 High Pull Snatch / 30-50 Double Unders
mobility – standing quad and prayer
A) Snatch Grip PP x3 + Pause OHSx2 + OHS x1
5 sets building
B) Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch + Snatch
6 sets Building
C) BB Cycling – Power Clean + Power Jerk x4
working on efficiency x3 sets
Warm up – 3 Rounds (0-15)
20 Jump Squats / 45 sec high plank / 20 Curtsy Lunge / 45 sec Hollow Hold
Mobility – 90 sec each side deep lunge w/ hip opener
Conjugate Lower
A) Wide Squat 5-5-3-3-2-2-1 (15-35)
B) Narrow Squat 2×15 (35-40)
C1) Romanian Deadlift 3×15
C2) Bar Roll Out 3×15
(C’s 40-50)
Buy out – Turkish Get up
*do half on one arm then half on other ….example the 10 you will do 5 in a row on right arm directly into 5 in a row on left arm….rest…..then 4 and 4….until you get to 1 and 1
Conjugate Lower
if already done look bellow
Warm up – If you didn’t complete all of yesterday’s TGU then do that as warm up
if you made it through/ didn’t skip it here is your warm up
2 Rounds (0-15)
Row/Ski 600m / 10 Split Jerk Strict Press / 50 Jumping Jacks / 10 Tall Jerks / 20 Banded Pull Aparts
Mobility – Front Rack Fixer and Wrist Stretch
A) Split Jerk – Build to a heavy Triple (15-40)
*aprox. 7 sets rest 90sec btw
B) HS Hold 3x 30-60+ seconds (40-50)
C) 35 Strict HSPU for time (50-60)
*scale to 50 off box
*use a target to make sure you are hitting the same depth every rep
A day you missed from the week!
January 18, 2021