January 11th to 18th Programming!!

Conjugate Week #8


Buy In: i. 2rds for time: 15 pushups, 20 situps, 25 squats, 30 Pike Shoulder Taps (feet on box) ii. Movment specific mobility (0-10)

Conjugate Upper       

A. Bench Press  (ME) 5-5-3-3-2-2-1 (10-30)

B. Incline DB Press 2×15 (30-35)

C1. Close Grip Bench Press 2×10

C2. Tricep Pushdowns 2×10 (35-45)

D1. DB Row 2×10

D2. T2B or V-snap 2 x 15 (45-55)

(55-60) cleaned up!


Conjugate Upper

if you have done it then look bellow!

Warm-up – (0-10)

1000m Row/Ski

then 2 Rounds

10 Cat Cow / 10 per leg SLRDL / 30 Skips

A) Deadlift 8×1 to a heavy (10-40)

after each set 30-50 Double Unders or 60-100 Singles rest 60-90 sec after skips

B) Alternating EMOM 14 min

I) 5-15 Kipping HSPU or DB Push Press

ii) 10 Alternating DB Snatch


Warm up – EA Warm up (0-15)

A1) Power Clean x3 not TNG *building

A2) Box Jump x5 High!

build through 7 sets rest 90 second between sets (15-40)

3-4 Sets

14 V-Snaps

14 Deadbugs

14 Alternating V-Snaps

45 sec side Plank

14 KB/DB Side bend (7 each side)


Warm up- 2 rounds (0-10)

50 Line hops / 20 90/90s / 10 Cossack Squats / 5 Light plate YTWAs / 10 Glute Bridge

Mobility – Frog stretch

Conjugate Lower:

A.Wide Squat (ME) 5-5-3-3-2-2-1 (10-30)

B. Narrow Squat 2 x 15 (ME) (30-40)

C1. RDL 3 x 15

C2. Super Man Holds (hold 3 sec) 3 x 10 

C’s (40-50)

D) Bar Roll out 2 x 15


Conjugate lower

if you have done then look bellow!

Warm up – 3 rounds (0-15)

1 min row / 10 Goblet Squats / 10 Push up to down dog / 5 Inch worms / 5 each side Quad. t-spine opener

A) Wall Ball Capacity work 4 sets of 15-25

*challenge yourself with reps but keep unbroken

*rest as needed between sets

B) Friday Pump Sesh!

3 sets – 6 Weighted Strict Pull ups + 12 Push ups

rest 2-3 min

3 sets – 6 BB Curls + 12 Push ups

rest 2-3 min

3 sets – 6 Bent over row + 12 Push ups

rest 2-3 min

3 sets – 12 alternating DB curls + 12 Push ups


Pick a day you missed this week

if you were here all days we will have something for you!!

January 11, 2021
