Let’s hope this is the last ever full week of at home workouts!! Keep up the hard work we are so close to being back together!
Warm up – 3 rounds
4 inch worms / 24 Flutter Kicks (total) / 4 up downs
A) 3 sets of 3 Rounds (total of 9 rounds)
15 Sit ups
8 Single Arm Devil Press (alternating)
rest 2 min between sets
B) 2 Sets
12-20 DB curls /arm
15 Cat Cows
15 Bulgarian Split Squats (can use DB or no weight)
Buy out – 2 min couch stretch /leg
Buy in – 3 Rounds
8 Bodyweight RDL /leg / 8 Lunge – elbow to floor (total) / 4 Push up to Down Dog
A) 3 Round EMOM
- Max Strict Pull ups or Object Bent over Row
- Max Reps Single Dumbbell Cossack Squat
- Max Reps Push ups
- Max Reps DB Shoulder 2 Overhead(switch every 5 reps)
- Rest
Accessory -3 rounds
10-15 Single Arm DB Row
15 Single Leg Calf Raise (each side)
:45 sec Side Plank (each side)
Buy out – 2 min Childs pose
Buy in – 10m each (30ft)
walk on toes / walk on toes backwards / walk on heals / walk feet turned out / walk feet turned in / lunge walk arms locked out overhead / lunge walk torso twist / butt kickers / high knees / bear crawl forward / bear crawl backwards
then 1 round
10 alternating lunge elbow to floor
10 Cossack squats
A) 3 sets 1 every 5 minutes
50 Air squats or Back Pack Squats or Single Arm DB Thursters
200m Run
B) 3 sets – 30 sec each
Sit ups
Russian Twist
Boat Hold
rest 1 min
Buy out
1 min Seated Forward Fold
1 min Pancake Stretch
30 min recovery walk and 30 min mobility!
Bonus Wod 10 rounds rest 1:1
15 DB Deadlifts (hold between legs with wide stance)
20 Jumping Squats
10 Burpees
Buy in – 3 Rounds
10 Big Arm Circles forwards and backwards
10 Step Back Lunges
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
Metcon- 5 Rounds
25ft Bear Crawl
20 Step Back Lunges
10 Hand Release Push ups
30 Mountain Climbers
A) 3 Rounds not for time
10 Upright Rows Each arm
10 Lateral Step ups Each side
20 Superman Pulses
Buyout Stretch
:30 sec calf stretch each side
1:00 pigeon each side
January 10, 2022