Hey EA family,
It has been a hard couple of days for me weighing option on what to do. It’s very hard and sad for me to do but we are going to close the box as of Wednesday March 18th at 730 pm (last classes will be tonight).
I(we) appreciate your understanding at this time of uncertainty but in light of what is going on in these crazy times we would rather be safe than sorry so we are suspending ‘in-gym’ workouts at this time.
I will be posting an ‘at home’ workout nightly for the next day. I will do a virtual coach break down of the warm up, accessory, workout and post WOD mobility. These workouts will be posted on our web page. We want to stay as connected as possible so we encourage everyone to post lots on our private Facebook page. This will help us stay accountable to each other!! Also tag us in your Instagram post so we can share and support each other through this time! I am going to be at the box tomorrow at 7-8 am and 6-7 pm if you need to pick any of your stuff up (shoes). I will also have a sign out sheet for everyone to sign out one DB or KB which we will be using for our ‘at home’ workouts. If you can’t make it in at these times let me know and we can figure out a time. If you are in isolation I would be happy to drop it at your doorstep. As always if you have any questions on scaling or movements don’t hesitate to ask (text 2504880463). Keep your eye open as I hope to set up some outdoor activities where we can keep practicing social distancing but keep together at the same time.
As we all love this CrossFit family and gym we have built we would be extremely grateful if you can keep supporting us through this time. This way we will still have a gym to get back to when this is all over. If you want or need me to freeze your account please let me know. Hopefully this is a short interruption and everyone will be back face to face soon!!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Stay healthy,
March 18, 2020