As per the Provincial Heath Order we will be closed. Fingers crossed for some better news this week. As for now I will program some at home no equipment workouts. Keep your heads up we will get through this together!
Few options for the start of the week
Option #1
12 Days of Christmas Style
1 Burpee
2 Plank Up Downs
3 Sit ups
4 Mountain Climbers
5 Push ups
6 Jumping Lunges
7 V-snaps
8 Lateral Lunges (4 each way)
9 Air Squats
10 Russian Twist
11 Prisoner Good Mornings
12 Burpee Squat Jump
Option #2
100 Reverse Burpees For time
Option #3
Pick an easy number of push ups to do in one set
try and hit that number every minute for 30 mins
* pick a show or podcast zone out and get better at pushups
Option #4
8 Rounds
40 Air Squats
40 alternating reverse lunges
rest 1 min
December 27, 2021