Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-15)
50 Jumping Jacks / 10 Hand Release Push ups / 10 SLRDL w/ 2 KB / 10 KB Press standing on one leg
A1) DB Bench Press x 6 heavy
A2) Deadlift x5 @75-80%
Reset each lift
rest 90-120 x5 working sets (15-45)
B) 10 Min AMRAP
5 Pull ups / 10 Push Ups / 15 Sit ups
Buy in – EA Warm up (0-15)
A) Back Squat – 5-3-1-5-3-1-10
*reat 2 min between working sets
B) 3 Rounds
9 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
7 Shoulders To Over Head
40 Double Unders
Buy in – 2 Rounds (0-15)
15 cal Ski/Row / 10 Pass Throughs / 10 PVC OHS / 30 sec dead hang / 10 Glute Bridge
A) Snatch Push Press + OHS + Drop Snatch (15-30)
(3+2+1) x 3 at 80-90% of snatch
(1+1+1) x2 at 90-100% of snatch
B) Power Snatch + Snatch (30-45)
6 sets to build to a heavy
C) 100 Box HSPU – Every break 5 Box Jumps (45-55)
Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-10)
12 Burpees / 10 Groiner to Cossack Squat flow / 30 Sec BB overhead hold / 10 Lareral Step up
Mobility – Tricep extensor smash + Banded Front rack fixer
A) Push Press 5-3-1-5-3-1-10-10 (20-40)
rest 2 min between sets
B) Fight Gone Bad Style-
1 min max reps each x 3 rounds
- Burpees
- Snatch 75/55
- Box Jump (24/20)
- Thruster 75/55
- T2B
- rest
this will take 17 min make sure you leave time to clean up before your hour is up!!
Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-10)
50 single skips / 15-30 sec Lsit hang / 10 Curtsy Lunge / 10 Grip Switches
A) BB Reverse Lunge x16 – 5 sets to build to a heavy (15-30/35)
*rest 90 between sets
B) Front Squat – 5×1 @80% (35-50)
rest 60 between sets
C) Core buy out – 3 rounds
20 Alternating v-snaps
30 seconds side plank each side
Pick your poison!
April 26, 2021