WODs for the week July 15th – 21st!!


Buy in – Coach Led Warm up

Metcon –

Row 1500m

Run 1 km

Double Unders x 200 (Singles 400)

Rest 4 min Repeat *goal is two rounds to be close

RX+ 2k row/1200m Run/300 Double Unders

Butts and Gutts Buy out – 3 sets

1 min Hollow Hold

1 min Russian Twist

30 sec each leg Glute Bridge

rest as needed between rounds


Buy in – 2 rounds 1 min Bike / 10 Single Arm RKBS per arm / 5 Goblet Squats @44×1 / 10 Front Rack Rocks / 5 BB Split Jerks w/ Pause

Mobility – Foam Roll on quads and lats

A) Front Squat x 3 + Split Jerk x 2 – 4 sets between 80-90%

B) Pull ups Week 5 – 5 sets if you made last week add a rep if not try and master last weeks number

Metcon – 5 Rounds

10 Pistols

6 Burpees

10 T2B

6 Burpees

10 DB Box Step Ups (40/25s)


Buy in – 2 Rounds – 50 Air Squats / 5 YTWAs / 10 Ring Rows / 10 Push Ups (strict as you can) / 10 Banded Good Mornings / 10 Clamshells (banded) per side

A1) Bench Press x 6

A2) High Box Jumps x 6

A3) DB Bent Over Row x 6 per arm (light and hold top position for 3 sec hold)

A4) Russian KB Swing x 6 Heavy

A5) Single Arm KB Press x 6 per arm (standing)

A6) Scissor Kicks x 20 (holding plate)

3 – 4 Working sets – resting about a min between movements


Buy in – EA Warm up

A) 3 x 10 Box HSPU (challenge yourself!!)

3×5 Teadybear Stand to Head stand (start of kip)

B) Deadlift – 4×5 @ 70-79%

Metcon – 12 min AMRAP

24 Wall Balls

24 Reverse Lunges

24 Sit ups


Buy in – 2 rounds – 30-50 Double Unders / 50 ft DB Bear Crawl / 5 Double Jumps / 50 ft Double KB Overhead Carry / 10 Pass throughs / 10 Banded Pull A Parts

Mobility – Spend Some time in the end range of hips + Ankles

A) OHS 5 x 5 Up to a heavy

Metcon – 8 rounds with partner

35 Air Squats

28 KB Swings

22/18 Cal Bike (Rx+ 28/24)


Buy in – 1 round Fish game then 2 Rounds – 10 Front To Back Presses / 10 BB Bent Over Row / 10 BB High Pulls / 10 Wall Dips

Mobility – Wrist and Front Rack

A) Strict Press – 3×4 @ 80-89%

B) Push Press – 3×4 @ 70-79%

C) Alternating EMOM – 10 Min – 10 Alternating DB Snatch + 8 Burpees To a Target

D) Alternating EMOM – 8 Min – 8 DB Hang Clean and Jerk Right Arm + 8 DB Clean and Jerks Left arm (do 1 arm each minute)

July 16, 2019
