Virtual Whiteboard – if you can’t get it on your phone go to our Youtube page (Evolution Athletics)
Warm up – 5- 10 min
Run :30
Walk :30 (or slow jog)
2 Rounds – 10 /side Deep Lunge with t-spine
10 Air Squats – Slow
10 Wide Stance Air Squats
10 Narrow Stance Air Squats
A) For time: 40-30-20
Goblet Squats + Lateral Burpees Over Object
15 min Cap
B1) Side Lying Hip Internal Rotation x 10 /side
rest 30 sec
B2) Side Lying Hip External Rotation x 10 /side
rest 30 sec
x 3 sets
Mobility – 2 minute Crossed Side to Side / 3 minute Pancake
March 21, 2020