Ea Warm up
a) Push press – build to a 8rm
then 90/80% x6-8
Metcon – for time
4-8-12-16-20 deadlifts 225/155
2-4-6-8-10 wall walks
15 min cap
Buy in – 3 Rounds
20 Speed Skaters / 10 Burpee to air squat / 10 Each Side Later box step ups
Mobility – Ankle Smash + split stance hip stretch
A) Back Squat – Build to a 8rm
then 90/80% 6-8 reps
Metcon – 3 Rounds
2 min Bike
2 Rounds
50 Double Unders
25 Air Squats
Buy out – Quad Stretch
if you missed Monday or Tuesdays strength for the warm up and strength then join group for wod
if you were here Monday and Tuesday look bellow
Buy in – 2 Rounds
5 Pulls / 5 High Pulls / 5 Muscle Snatch / 10 Cat Cow / 10 Spider man lunge stretch (5each side)
Mobility – Forearm and Shoulder smash
A) Snatch Pull + Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch
5-6 Sets to build to a heavy
Metcon – 4 rounds one every 3 minutes
8 Burpees Box Jumps
10 OHS 115/80
cap each round at 2:30
Buy in – 3 Rounds
10 Empty bar bent over rows 3 second negative / 20 Sit ups / 15 Prisoner Good mornings
Mobility- 4 position wrist stretch
A) Strict Press – Build to 10rm then do 2 drop down sets at 90 + 80 % of 10rm
Metcon – 14 min AMRAP
400m run
30 Russian KBS 70/53
Buy in – 2 Rounds
400m row / 10 Low hang Muscle Cleans / 10 Push Jerks / 10 Deadbug per side / 10 Hanging Knee to chest
A) Below Knee Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + Power Jerk x 3 x6 sets to a heavy
B) Front Rack Box Step ups x10 (5 each leg) x3 sets for quality!
Metcon – 3 RFT
18 Knees To Elbows
18 DB Clean + Jerks 40/25
18 DB Squats
October 4, 2021