Monday -Closed
Buy in – 2 Rounds
100m Jog
10 World’s Greatest Stretch (each side)
10 Hanging Scap Retractions, 5 Kip to Swing
5 Inchworms 5 Hand Release Push Up 5 Zombie Squats
A) Pause Front Squats – 5×4 @6-7/10 RPE
Metcon -4 rounds:
10 Pull Ups
200m Run
10 Pushups
200m Run
Buy in – 3 Sets
14 Kettlebell Goblet Hold Cossack Squat (7 each leg)
10 Seated Barbell Good Mornings (add weight from last week)
20 Landmine Twists
A) Seated Strict Press 5×5 @7-9.5/10
*10 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press after each set. (You’ll use two dumbbells. 1 dumbbell stays overhead each alternating rep)
B) 5 Sumo Deadlifts + 5 Deadlifts 5×5 @ 7-8/10 RPE
Buy out – 3 Sets
15 4in Hand Release Deficit Push Ups
10 Plank Pike Ups on Rower
100ft Single arm KB Overhead Waiter Walks (Hold another kb in the front rack position) (switch at the 50ft mark)
Buy in – 2 Rounds
1:00 Row OR Ski (moderate)
10 Hanging Scap Retractions
5 Sit to Stand Rope Climb
10 Single Arm Dumbbell High Pull (each side, moderate)
15 Banded Good Mornings
Warm Up to Power Clean weight
Metcon – For time
For Time:
Rope Climbs
Power Cleans (185/125)
A) Wide Grip Bench Press 5×5 @ 7-9/10 RPE
*20 Single Arm Lat Pull Downs (10 each arm) after each set
Buy in – 2 Rounds Burgener Warm up – coach led
A) Snatch Pull + Snatch + Snatch High Pull + Snatch 5 sets @ 6-7/10 RPE
* 5 max hight jumps after each set
Metcon – With partner
AMRAP 3 Minutes
50 Double Unders (together)
25ft Handstand Walk (together) (scaled to 50ft reverse bear crawl)
Max Deadlifts (225/155) (split)
*Go until you get 75 reps of the DL
-rest 1 minute b/t sets-
May 23, 2023