CrossFit Open 2021 week 1!!!
Buy in – EA Warm up (0-15)
Front Squat Prep –
Pause Front Squats 4×3 @50% *3sec pause (15-25)
A) Front Squat – Build to a 2 Rep max
6-8 sets (25-50)
B) Find a Max height box jump!
Buy in – 2 Rounds (0-10)
500m Row / 30 sec HS Hold / 30 Sec Supinated Hang / 30 plate hops
A1) 8 Buprees Over Bar
10 sec
A2) 10 Deadlift @45/50/55/60/65% keep TNG and unbroken
rest 10
A3) 10-15 HSPU – You choose strict or Kipping or switch back and forth each round
rest 2 min x5 sets
Buy out – Foam Roll Quads and Hamstrings
Warm up – 2 Rounds (0-10)
10 Light DB Cuban Press / 30 Skips / 10 Power Snatch / 30 Skips / 10 OHS / 30 Skips
A) 3 Position Power Snatch – Build to a heavy in 6 sets (10-30) rest 90 btw
B) Power Snatch 4×10 building (TNG) rest 90 btw (30-45)
C) Kipping Pull ups – do a couple sub maximal sets (can also work on strict or ring rows)
Buy in – 2 Rounds (0-15)
50 Jumping Jacks / 15 Banded Pull Aparts / 30 second Plank / 30 second Superman / 20 Weightless Russian Twists
40 min EMOM
- 10-16 Alternating DB Snatch
- 45 second Bacon Flips
- 10-16 Alternating Hang DB C+J
- 45 second Plank up downs
- rest
- 30 second hard on rower or ski
- 5 each arm single DB Thruster
- rest
Warm up – (0-10)
3 Sets – 1 min Ski/Row / 25 Single Unders / 5 Inch worm to wall walk
1 Set of first round of workout
CrossFit Open 21.1
1 Wall Walk
10 Double Unders
3 Wall Walks
30 Double Unders
6 Wall Walks
60 Double Unders
9 Wall Walks
90 Double Unders
15 Wall Walks
150 Double Unders
21 Wall Walks
210 Double Unders
- as always many scaling options will be available!!
pick your poison from the week!
March 8, 2021