Buy in – 2 rounds
2 min row / 5 Strict Pull ups / 5 per leg Box pistol progression / 10 Hip Flow with stretch / 5 Pause Back Squats
Mobility – Banded Hip and Ankle
A) Back Squat – Build to a heavy 4
Metcon – For time
1000m Row
into 4 Rounds
4 Ring Muscle Ups (10 Ring Rows)
10 Strict HSPU
20 Pistols
into 1000m Row
Buy in – 3 Sets
1:00 Row (moderate)
15 Banded Good Morning
10 Glute Bridge
5 Burpee Box Step ups
Warm Up to Deadlift weight
Metcon – 2 sets
3 Rounds
9 Deadlifts (225/155)
9 Burpee Box Jump Over (24″/20″)
-rest 1 minute b/t sets-
A) Bench Press – 5-5-4-4-4 @8-8.5/10
*Perform 10 TEMPO Single Arm Dumbbell Row (5 each side) in between sets (3 second descent, 1 second hold at the top and bottom of each rep)
Buy in – EA Warm up
A) Hang KB Snatch 3×20 (moderate) 10 each arm
3×10 at Heavier
B) 4 Sets – 15 DB Box Step Ups (2×40/25)
3 min easy bike between each set
C) 3 Round Buy out
10 Wide Grip BB Curls
10 BB Weighted Hip Thrusts (on the 10th rep 10 sec hold at top)
10 Banded Push ups
Buy in – 2 Rounds
30 Penguin Taps / 10-20 Double Penguin Taps / 10 PVC OHS / 10 Arch Hollows / 5 Empty Bar Thrusters
Mobility – Tricep Smash then Super Front Rack
A) Truster x3 5 sets at 65-75%
Metcon – 2 Rounds
15/12 Cal Row
15 OHS 95/65
20 C2B Pull ups
15 OHS 95/65
15/12 Cal Row
rest 3 min between sets
Buy in – 3 Rounds
10 Plate Press Cossack Squat (Press plate out as you descend, bring plate back to chest as you stand)
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (10 each side)
20 Kettlebell Side Bends (10 each side)
A) Strict Press – Build to a 3RM for the day
Metcon – synchro with a Partner!
Front Squat 165/115 (60-65%)
Bar Facing Burpees
March 6, 2023