Deload/Reload Week!!
Retest or 1st time for Open 19.5
Buy in – EA Warm up
Metcon – 5 Rounds
15 Goblet Squats (53/35)
20/15 cal Row
Rest :30
Buy out – 3 rounds 5 Squat Thoracic Rotations (R/L) / 20 Lateral Banded Step-Overs / 5 Inchworms
Buy in – 2 rounds – 50 Single Unders / 10 Light DB Cuban Press / 10 Med Ball Squat Cleans / 10 Front To Back Strict Press
Mobility – Tspine on Foam Roller and Pain Ball on Pecs
A) Power Clean + Split Jerk x3 – 4 sets between 35-45%
B1) Seated Single Arm DB Press x8 /arm
B2) Back Extension on GHD x15 *hyperextensions
Superset x3 sets
Conditioning – Bike
:20 sprint / :10 easy x 4
rest 2 min x 3 sets
Buy in – 2 rounds – 1 min Bike / 18 Alternating Reverse Lunges / 100ft Double KB Front Rack Carry / 20 Side to Side Hops / 10 Push ups
A) Front Squat EMOM x 3 Reps x 4 min @45%
B) Tall SA Kneeling Press x8/arm 3×8 to a moderate weight
Metcon – 15 min For Quality
10 x 10m Side Shuffle
10 Alternating Squat + Thoracic Rotations
10 Shoulder Pass Throughs
10 Eccentric Dorsiflexions each leg
5 Sumo Inch Worms
*move slowly and work on the ranges of motion that feel the most sticky
Buy in – 10 Burpees between each movement (total 90)
:30s shoulder rotations forward / :30s shoulder rotations backwards / 10 steps walking lunges into 3 sec hurdle stretch / 15 each arm light and slow dumbell singe arm high pull / 10 steps side to side lunge 3 sec side hurdle stretch each step / 2x arch hang bar :30 sec -> plank :30 sec -> rest :15 sec / 30 sec PVC Reverse Shoulder Stretch / 30 sec spinal twist each direction / 30 sec each side chicken wing neck stretch / 1 min standing pike stretch
Gymnastics day!
30 min rotate through the following
12x Alternating Pistols *focus on balance and control
6x Kipping Pull ups * focus on a tight arch and perfect form NO BENT KNEES
12x Ring Swings * focus on a long arch on back swing and round hollow on front swing
6x Kipping Ring Dips *focus on pushing out as the knees swing forward
Buy in – 2 Rounds of Burgener
A) 3 Position Power Snatch x 3 sets all at 50%
B) Single Leg RDL 3×8 @ Moderate loads
Metcon – 8 Rounds
Wall Balls x8 20/14
Snatch x 3 (65-75%)
Buy in – Alternating Tabatas
1) Air Squat + Pull ups
2) V-Snaps + Split Squats
3) Push Ups + Hollow Rocks
A) Overhead Squat 3×3 @ 50%
Metcon – 4 rounds
Double Unders x 50 (Rx + unbroken)
Row 10/8 cals AFAP
Rest 2:30
March 27, 2019