Warm up – 3 Rounds (0-15)
250 row/ski / 10 Push-up Plus / 10 Cossack Squat / 15 Hollow rocks
A) 30 air squats into 5 Bench Press (15-35)
*building through 6 sets
*rest 90 second between sets
B) Max T2B in 30 seconds into 30 sec side plank per side rest 1 min x 5 sets (35-50)
C) 5 min olympic wall squat
Buy in- 2 Rounds (0-15)
2 min Skipping / 10 Jerk Step outs / 10 PVC Jerk Drops / 5 per are DB Clean and Jerk + 30 sec OH Hold
Prep – Split stance hold 1 min per side ….NO shoes
A) 3 Muscle Cleans + 2 Jerk Balance (15-25)
- 4 sets light weight
B) Power Clean + Split Jerk + BTK Hang Clean + Split Jerk (25-50)
- Build to a heavy!
Buy out – 2-3 Rounds
30 sec KB Front Rack Hold (Heavy)
10 each side Bird dog – balance and core!
Buy in – 2 Rounds (0-10)
1 min Dead Hang / 30 sec Jump Squats / 20 Speed Skaters / 20 Banded Pull Aparts (change up directions)
Mobility – 4 way wrist stretch 2-3 min + Wrist Curls 3×10 each way (10-20)
A) Front Squats 5×3 @90+% (20-45) rest 2 min between working sets
B) 8-10 Kipping Pull ups into 10-15 OHS (95/65) rest 60-90 sec x4-5 sets (45-60)
*scale reps/load to keep unbroken
Buy in – EA Warm up
A) Double DB SLRDL 4×10 per leg
B) 2 min on – 2 min off with partner x7 each
40 DU(80 singles)
16 Alternating Hang DB C+J (50/35)
12 T2B (v-snap)
start where your partner left off
Buy in – 10 min Warm up pace
15 cal Row/Ski
2,4,6,8……Push up/Strict HSPU/ Kipping HSPU choose one
Mobility – Banded Hamstring + Pec on post or wall (10-15)
Super sets – finish one before moving onto the next
Deadlift and DB Strict Press 12-10-8-6-4
Rest 2-3 min
Seated Arnold Press x12
BB Good Morning x12
4 sets
rest 2-3 min
Supinated BB row x12
DB Front and Lateral raise x12 each
4 sets
Pick your poison from the week!
March 1, 2021