Buy in – 2 Rounds
20 Walking Lunges / 12 Cossack Squats / 30 sec Hollow
Mobility – Banded Ankle
A) Back Squat – 2-4-6-8-10
*These will be ascending reps AND ascending weight.
**In between sets, perform 5 Seated Box Jump.
Metcon – For time Partitioned as you like
200’ Front Rack Walking Lunge (2×50/35)
300′ Handstand Walk (or reverse bear walk)
40 Hang Kettlebell Clean and Jerks (2×53/35)
Buy in – 3 Sets
1:00 Row (moderate)
10 Dumbbell Cuban Press
10 PVC Pass Through
5 Inchworm w/Push Up
10 Single Arm Thruster (light) (each side)
A) 3 Sets
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Walking Lunge (10 each side)
10 Single Arm Kettlebell Cluster (5 each arm)
10 Seated Straddle-Legged Plate Overhead Side Bends (5 each side)
Metcon – 16 minute EMOM
4 Sets:
Minute 1: 8 Hang Kettlebell Snatches (total) (alternating) (44/25)
Minute 2: 4 Turkish Get Ups (44/25) (2 each side)
Minute 3: 6-8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups + 8 Kettlebell Thrusters (both arms) (44/25)
Minute 4: 200m Row
- Keep under 45 seconds of work
Buy in – 3 Rounds
1 min Bike / 20 Alternating Vsnaps / 10 Beat Swings / 25 Single Unders
A) Power Clean x1 @75-85%
* after each set 5 Dips (if you have RMU do a RMU into 5 dips)
x5 sets at load
Metcon – For time
4 Rounds
35 Double Unders
10 T2B or Toes to Rings
rest 2 min
4 Rounds
35 Double Unders
10 GHD sit ups or 15 Abmat
Buy in – EA Warm up
A) Bench Press x2 @90+ x 5 working sets
*after working sets 10 DB High Pull /arm
Metcon – 21-15-9
Double DB Deadlift (50/35s)
* after each round 10 Shuttle Sprints (Open style counting)
Buy in –
A1) DB Hammer Curls x 15
A2) DB French Press x 15
rest 90 between sets x4
B1) Arnold Press x 8
B2) High Plank Hip Touches x40
rest 90 between sets x4
C) 10 BB Weighted Hip Thrusts (on the 10th rep 10 sec hold at top) heavier than last week
Metcon – With partner
1-2-3-4-5….. KBS
Partner 1 does 1 then partner 2 does 1
partner 1 does 2 then partner 2 does 2
For 8 minutes!!
March 13, 2023