Buy in – EA Warm Up
A) Front Squat – 5-4-3-2-1 *building
*hit a couple warm up sets before
B) For time
21/16 cal Row or Ski
42 Wall Balls
21/16 cal Row or Ski
36 Wall Balls
21/16 cal Row or Ski
30 Wall Balls
* 15 min cap
Buy in – 3 Rounds
1 Minute Skip
5 Strict Pull Ups
0:20 Handstand Hold
7 Dumbbell Single Leg RDL (Moderate) (each Side)
7 Dumbbell Single Arm Russian Swings (Moderate) (each Side)
7 Single Arm Dumbbell Press (Moderate) (Each side)
A) Bench Press 5×5 @70-80%
B) 10 Rounds for time
4 Strict HSPU
5 Strict Pull ups
6 Alternating DB Snatch (heavy!!)
Buy in – 3 Rounds
25 Light KB Swings
5 Shrugs, 5 High Pulls, 5 Muscle Cleans, 5 Pull Unders, 5 Push Jerks
Mobility – Hip internal Rotation + Hand in high band
A) Power Clean + Push Jerk + Power Clean
- 3 working sets at 75-80% of Power clean
- Rest 60-90 between sets
B) Power Clean + Push Jerk
- 3 sets between 80-85%
- Rest 60-90 between sets
WOD – 8 min AMRAP
24 Reverse lunges
4 Wall Walks
Buy in- 2 Rounds
400m row or ski / 15 Banded Good Mornings / 15 Sit-ups / 15 Air Squats / 10 Hanging Scap retractions
A) For time
25 Deadlifts @40%
50 Sit-ups
25 Deadlifts @50%
50 Situps
25 Deadlifts @60%
50 Situps
16 min cap and rest 1:1
then for time
3 rounds
20 T2B
40 Air Squats
also a 16 min cap
Warm up – Easy 400m run then 10 Legs swing each leg (both directions) / 30 sec walk each – toe walk, heal walk, toes out, toes in, lunge with twist, figure four walk, knee to chest walk, hurdle steps, lunge with reach
A) 5000m Run for time!!
post from Facebook for those that didn’t see it
The end to our running progression is coming to an end this week!!
5000m for time!!!
Posting this so you can all get familiar with one of the 2 routes (if not you can do 5x1000m)
It is going to be warm tomorrow so please start hydrating today!! Bring a hat, sun screen, water, etc. I looked into pushing it to next week but it is just getting hotter so tomorrow is the day let’s put all that hard work to a test!!
Don’t forget to put your PRs on the board!!
Pick your day!!
June 21, 2021