Buy in – EA Warm up
A) Pause OHS 3-3-2-2-1-1
between sets 45sec double DB OH Hold
rest 60-90
Metcon – 10 Rounds for time
200m Run (if the smoke doesn’t clear up for your session we will stay inside and use the rowers/bikes/skiers)
12 T2B
15 min cap
Buy in 2 Rounds
1 Minute Cardio (your choice) (easy to moderate)
10 Goblet Squats Dumbbell or Kettlebell (light)
10 single arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell press (light/moderate) (each side)
30 sec Supinated hang
10 alternating v ups
10 Push ups
Metcon – For time
100 WB
50 Alternating V-Snaps
25 Strict HSPU
A) Bench Press – Build to a heavy 5
B) Bench Press EMOM x5 min x5 reps at 80% of (A)
Buy in – 2 Rounds
1 Minute Bike (start easy and build intensity each round)
10 Inchworms
5 single arm dumbbell RDLs (each side) (moderate)
5 single arm dumbbell suitecase deadlifts (each side) (moderate)
Metcon – For time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpee DB Deadlifts (2×50/35)
12/10 cal Bike after each set
- This is meant to be done on the bike if not enough then use skierg
A) Power Clean – Build to a heavy 5 TNG once you find this then find a heavy 3 NO TNG
Warm up – 2 Rounds
50 Jumping Jacks / 10 Cossack Squat (pause each side) / 1 min hip opener each side / 1 min Standing splits
A) Back Squat 5×5 building
between each set 75-100 Single Unders as fast as possible
then rest 60-90 seconds
B) DB Curls 4×15-20 (light to moderate) controlled
rest 90 seconds between sets
C) Alternating DB Bent over row 4×20 (10 each arm)
rest 60 seconds
Buy in – 2 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Row
10 hanging scap retractions, 6 kip swings
10 V Ups, 10 Alternating V Ups
5 Lateral Box Step Ups (each Side), 5 air squats, 5 pistols to a low box (each side)
6 single arm dumbbell push press (each side)
A) Deadlift – 10-8-6-4-2 building
10 jump squats between each round
Metcon – For time
60 Pull-ups
50 Situps
40 Alternating Pistols
30 cal row
20 Single Arm DB Push Press (heavy!!!)
15 min cap
Pick your poison!!
July 5, 2021