Deload Week!!
Buy in – 3 Rounds
5 Lateral Box Steps ups (each side) / 10 Bootstrap Squats / 5 Tempo Empty Bar Backsquats @3121
A) Tempo Back squats 3×8 @3020 nothing over 50%
Metcon – 10 Min AMRAP
40 Double Unders
20 KBS 53/35
10 Ring Rows
Buy in – 2 Rounds
Snatch Grip – 5 Reps each from High Hang
Shrugs / High Pulls / Muscle Snatch / Drops to Power / Power Snatch
Clean Grip – 5 Reps Each from High Hang
Shrugs / High Pulls / Muscle Clean / Pull Unders to Power / Power Clean
A) Power Snatch 5×1 @50-60%
B) Power Clean 5×1 @50-60%
Metcon –
5 Sets (1 Set every 90 seconds)
25′ Handstand Walk (scaled 25-50ft bear crawl)
10 Pistols
Max effort Double Unders
-rest 30 seconds between rounds-
*Score is total number of Double Unders
Buy in – 3 Rounds
1 min Row / 15 Banded Good Mornings / 20 Banded Pull Aparts / 1 min Plank / 20 Hollow Rocks / 5 each side Quad. Thoracic Rotations
A) Deadlift 5×3 @60-65%
Metcon – 8 set (1 Every 2 Min)
10/8 Cal Row
10 Burpees over Rower
Buy in – EA Warm up
A) Front Squat 4×5 @3330 @40-60%
*all sets to be done at same weight or within 5%
Metcon –
3 Sets:
21 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2×40/25)
15 Deadlifts (185/125)
9 Pull Ups
-Rest 1:1 between sets-
4 min cap /round
Buy in – 2 Rounds
10 inch work w/ push ups / 5 SA Bench Press each arm / 5 YTWAs standing with small plates / 3 Rope sit to stand
A) 4 Sets of 8 Dumbbell Bench Press with (3:0:2:0) Tempo (3 second descent, no pause in bottom, 2 second ascent, no pause at top)
B) 3 sets of 10 Front Rack Lunges (5/leg) @ 6-7/10 RPE
Metcon – 4 Sets
AMRAP 2 Minutes
2 Rope Climbs
6 Wall Walks (scale to 4 or 2 to ensure at least 20 seconds of Dips)
Max effort Strict Ring Dips
-rest 1 minute between sets-
July 25, 2022