Deload week!!
Buy in – EA Warm up (0-15)
A) Bench Press – 6×5 under 60-65% (15-30)
B) DB Incline Bench 3×15 (light) (30-40)
C1) Narrow Grip Bench Press x10
C2) Banded Push Down x10
c’s x2 (40-50)
D1) Supinated BB Row x10
D2) Gymnastic Crunch x20
d’s x2 (50-60)
Conjugate Upper
Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-15)
1 min Skipping + 1 min Air Squatd
Clean Grip – 3 x Jump and shrug / 3 x Jump, Shrug, High Pull / 3 x Muscle Clean / 3 x Pull Under 2”, 4”, 6”
A) Power Clean + Power Jerk x5 (15-30)
- 5 sets @ 65-75%
B) 3 Position Snatch x3 (30-45)
- 5 sets at 50-60%
C) Accumulate 3 min Hang From Pull up Bar (45-55)
D) Accumulate 3 min Squat Hold (55-60)
Warm up – 2 Rounds (0-10)
500m Row/Ski / 12 Jumping Lunges / 8 clapping Push ups / 20 Pike Leg lifts over object
20 min Alternating EMOM
- 8 Thrusters 95/65
- 15 DB Deadlifts (moderate)
- 8 Box Jumps
- 40 Russian Twists
- rest
20 min Alternating EMOM #2
Plyo drills 40 sec work 20 rest
- 1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2….box drill
- speed skater
- Alternating DB Push Press x12
- Box step overs x8 (use same DBs as PP)
- rest
Warm up – 3 Rounds (0-15)
10 Alternating Turkish Get Ups / 10 Each arm KB Snatch / 20 Cossack Squats
A) Wide Squats – 6×5 to moderate (15-35)
B) Narrow Stance Front Squat or Narrow Zombie 4×10 light (35-50)
C) Romanian Deadlift 3×20 light (50-60)
Conjugate from Thursday
Warm up – 3 Rounds (0-15)
30 Plate Hops / 10 inch Worm with Push up / 20 Banded Pull Aparts / 10 Banded Shoulder External Rotations
Mobility – Pass Throughs / Forearm + Bicep Smash
A) 5 sets – 5 Burpees into Max set of Pull-ups (Rx+ C2B) rest 90 sec between sets (15-35)
B) 5 sets – Seated Alternating DB Curls 12-15 each arm into 20 Overhead DB Extensions rest as needed btw sets (35-50)
C) 100 Butterfly Sit-ups for time
pick your poison from the week!
January 25, 2021