Buy in – 3 Sets
12 Double KB Walking Lunges (One KB in Front Rack, One KB Overhead) (6/each leg)
20 Alternating Single Arm KB Swing
10 Seated Straddle-Legged DB press
A) Back Squat 5×6 @ 2×70, 2×75, 1×75+
B) Good Morning 4×8
30 second weighted plank between sets
Metcon – 21-15-9
95# Power Cleans
Bar Facing Burpees
Buy in – 3 sets
1 Minute Bike OR Row (Build from easy to moderate)
10 Dumbbell box step-ups (start light and add weight each set)
5-10 Dumbbell thrusters (start light and add weight each set)
20 yard sled push (start light and add weight each set)
A) Bench Press – 8-6-4-8-6-4
8 Bench Press @ 6/10 RPE
6 Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE
4 Bench Press @ 8/10 RPE
8 Bench Press @ 7/10 RPE
6 Bench Press @ 8/10 RPE
4 Bench Press @ 9/10 RPE
Metcon – 15-12-9
Dumbbell Thruster (2×40/25)
Dumbbell Box Step ups (2×40/25) (24”/20”)
*30 yard Sled Push (3×45/2×45) after each set
Buy out – Foam roll quads + couch stretch 2 min in each
Buy in – EA Warm up
A) 3 Sets
10 Tempo Straight Legged Double Dumbbell Deadlift (5 Seconds Down)
10 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises (Put a Dumbbell in between your legs)
10 Lunge Landmine Twists (5/Each Side)
10 Heavy DB cleans (5/each)
Metcon – for max distance
7:00 Max Distance Row
-rest 1 minute-
7:00 Max Distance Bike Erg
-rest 1 minute-
7:00 Max Distance Ski Erg
*change up the order if need for #s
Buy in – 2 Rounds
1:00 Bike (easy/moderate)
0:30 Ski (OR Row) (fast)
5 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Jerk (Each side) (moderate)
12 Hanging Scap Retractions, 8 Kip to Swing, 4 Hanging Knee Raises
30 Single Unders, 15 Plate Hops
A) Tempo Front Squat – 4×4 @6-8/10
*Tempo is the priority! Don’t pick weights where you cannot maintain tempo.
**Tempo: 3 Seconds Down, 2 Second Pause at the bottom
Metcon – 5 rounds
14 Toes to Bar
7 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
42 Double Unders
Buy in – 2 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Ski (moderate)
10 Sit Ups, 5 V Ups
10 Air Squats
10 Wall Ball Push Press Throw to Target (aka a Wall Ball without the squat).
Mobility – Pain ball on shoulders + deep lunge
Metcon – 3 Rounds With Partner
35 Syncro Sit ups
60 Alternating Wall Balls
*alternating Wall Ball = Partner A does a wall ball and passes off the wall to partner then partner B does the same
A) 3-4 Rounds
10 Banded Pushups
10 Ring Row – Feet Elevated
15 Single Arm DB Skull Crusher
15 Dumbbell Curls
15 Strict Abmat Situps (hands next to head or across chest)
15 Pulse Ups
10 Alt. V-ups (each side)
30 sec Copenhagen Plank (each side)
30 sec Superman Hold
-Rest 1-2 min b/t round-
January 16, 2023