Buy in – EA Warm up
A) 5 Sets (1 set every minute on the minute)
7 Deadlift @6.5-7/10 RPE
-Directly into-
4 Sets (1 set every minute on the minute)
5 Deadlift @7.5-8/10 RPE
B) 5 Sets
1 Front Squat (as heavy as possible)
take 4-5 sets to warm up then 5 heavy singles full rest between sets
Metcon – 10 Min AMRAP
15/12 Cal Ski
10 Overhead Sqauts 95//65
5 Ring Muscle Ups
Buy in – EA Warm up
Wall Walk Week 1
5 UNBROKEN sets of Wall Walks at 30% of week 1 max effort number.
-Rest as needed between sets to go unbroken for each set-
For example:
If you got 14 Wall Walks during week 1 test, 30% will be 4.2 [round down to 4]
You will do 5 unbroken sets of 4 reps
After your 5 sets, accumulate 90 second Hollow Hold
Metcon –
3:00 Max Calorie Bike
-3:00 rest-
3:00 Max 25ft Shuttle Run
-3:00 rest-
3:00 Max Calorie Row
-3:00 rest-
2:00 Max Calorie Bike
-2:00 rest-
2:00 Max 25ft Shuttle Run
-2:00 rest-
2:00 Max Calorie Row
-2:00 rest-
1:00 Max Calorie Bike
-1:00 rest-
1:00 Max 25ft Shuttle Run
-1:00 rest-
1:00 Max Calorie Row
Buy in – 3 Sets
10 Prone Is, Ts, & Ys (no weight or very light plates)
10 Single Arm Press (each side, moderate)
Wall Walk
A) 3 Sets
5 Double Dumbbell Hang Power Clean + 5 Double Dumbbell Push Jerk + 5 Double Dumbbell Cluster @6/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets
B) 3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk @65% 1RM Clean & Jerk
3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk @70% 1RM Clean & Jerk
3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk @75% 1RM Clean & Jerk
3 Sets
1 Clean & Jerk As Heavy As Possible (AHAP)
*DON’T worry about hitting specific numbers, just hit a heavy stimulus!
*Rest 90 seconds between sets.
Metcon – 14 Minute alternating EMOM
5 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)
*Pick a weight you can keep unbroken
10 Box Jump overs (24/20)
Bring a Friend day!!
Buy in – 2 Rounds
1 min Row or Ski / 10 Hip Flows / 15 Mountain Climbers / 30 Sec Hang / 10 Air Squats
A) Superset
10 DB Step Ups
15 Goblet Squats
20 Sit ups
rest 90 sec x 5 sets
Metcon – 21-15-9
Pull ups (or progression)
Buy in – 2 Rounds
1:00 Air Bike
:15 Free Handstand Hold OR :30 Handstand Hold
5 Knees to Elbow
10 Step Back Lunge
50ft Single Arm Overhead Carry (each arm, moderate)
A) 3 Sets
5 Strict Press + 0:20 Overhead Hold + 10 Push Press @5/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets
B) Push Press Build to A Heavy 2
Metcon – Partner Throwdown Friday
For time:
75/60calorie Air Bike
40 Handstand Push Ups
75 Toes to Bar
40 Handstand Push Ups
250 foot Overhead Walking Lunge with (45/35) bumper plate
one partner working at a time accumulating