Buy in – 12 min
30 sec Jump Squats / 10 PVC OHS / 10 Lying Snow Angels / 10 per arm DB Snatch High Pull
Mobility/shoulder activation – 10 /side PVC rotations (12-16)
A) Tempo Snatch High Pull 5×3 @light to moderate load *6 second floor to hip (20-30)
B) 15 Min EMOM – 1-3 is 5 TNG reps / 4-6 is 3 TNG reps / 7-9 is 2 TNG Reps/ 10-15 is singles
- Build as you can through this
Buy out – 2 min per leg elevated couch stretch
Buy in – 3 rounds (0-12/15)
12 DB Reverse Lunge with Press in bottom / 10 Scap Only Pull ups / 10 DB Front Rack Cossack Sqauts / 30 sec High Plank (keep DBs light)
A) Thruster + Weighted Strict Pull up 10,8,6,4,2
*rest 2 min between sets and build through! (15-35)
B) Cal row/ski/bike 25/20/15/10/5 rest 1:1
Buy in – EA Warm up
A) 30 min AMRAP with partner you go I go
16/12 Cal ERG
14 Push Ups
12 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
if no partner then rest 1:1
Buy out – 2 Rounds
10 Jefferson Curls (light)
30 sec Boat Hold
15 Reverse Crunches
30 Mountain Climbers
Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-15)
20 air squats / 10 banded Pull Aparts / 5 per leg shrimp squats / 30 sec Front rack hold (drive those elbows up!!)
Mobility – Peanut on t-spine and hip capsule (15-20)
A) Front Squat 7 x 3 @88% (20-45/50)
week 1 80% / week 2 84%
B) Pistol progressions and work!
Choose between Thursday or today’s
Warm up – 2 Rounds (0-15)
3 Min skipping practice / 10 Hip 90-90s (move around in end range) / 8 Light DB Push Press / 5 per side seated thoracic rotations
A) Tempo Back Squat 5×5 @33×1 week 1 @50-60% week 2 5-10%+ week 3 Try and add some more!! BUT KEEP THOSE POSITIONS (15-35)
B) Tempo Push Press 5×5 @31×3 same %’s as back squats (35-55)
Mobility Buy out – Foam Roll low quad (knee area) and pain ball on feet!
pick your poison from the week!!
February 22, 2021