Warm up – 3 Rounds
300m Row/Ski / 10 BTN Push Press / 5 Plate YTWAs / 10 Scorpions / 10 Deadbugs
A) Strict Press – Build to a 1rm
B) Push Press – Build to a 1rm
Warm up – 2 Rounds
50 Skips / 10 Glute Bridge / 10 Cossack Squat / 10 Hip Flows / 10 1 1/4 Back Squats
Mobility – Ankle Dorsiflexion
A) Back Squat – Build to a 1rm
B) Strict Pull up – Build to a Heavy Double
Warm up – EA Warm up
Alternating EMOM’s x4 rounds each
- 12-16 Alternating DB Hang Clean And Jerk
- 6-8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
- 18 Hollow Rocks
- Rest
- KB goblet Thruster x10
- Alternating Vsnap x18
- Russian KBS x15
- rest
buy out – foam roll!!
Warm up – 3 Rounds
30 Air Squats / 10 Push ups / 30 Jumping jacks / 10 Prisoner Good Mornings / 30 sec side plank each side
A) Bench Press – Build to a 1 RM
B) Deadlift – 7×5 building
Buyout – Forearm and Tricep smash on Peanut
Warm up – 2 Sets per arm (perform all movements single arm on one side before switching)
8 KB Deadlift/ 8 Russian KB Swings / 8 Front Squats / 8 Push Press / 8 Thrusters
- If you missed one of the test days do them today – 1RM’s Strict Press, Push Press, Back Squat, Bench Press
if you did them all look bellow!
A) 8-12 OHS (95/65) + 8-12 C2B Pull ups – rest 90 seconds x4
B) 5 Rounds – Min one Burpees / Min two 1 clean and jerk / min 3 rest/add weight for C+J
2 scores for this – total burpees and heaviest C+ J made!
choose from the week!
February 2, 2021