December 7th – 13th Programming


Warm-up – 3 Rounds (0-10)

10 Banded Pull Aparts / 15 Push-ups / 20 Sit-ups / 25 Air Squats

Conjugate Upper – Week 3!!

A) Strict Press 5-5-3-3-2-2-1 (10-30)

B) Seated DB Press 2×15 (30-40)

C1) JM BB Press 2×10 (40-50)

C2) Box/Bench Dips 2×10

D1) Barbell Row 3×10 (50-60)

D2) Gymnastics Crunch 3×20

If time Buy out – 2 min Butterfly + 2 min Prayer


EA Warm-up (0-15)

Skipping practice for Mono.

A) Clean Complex – 1x Floating Clean Pull + 1x Floating Power Clean + 1x Clean *Build to a heavy in 6-7 sets (15-45)

Accessory 3-4 sets

20 Banded Lat Pull Downs

20 Alternating V-Snap (keep leg straight and reach for toes!!)

20 Russian Twists (control and total reps)

20 Superman Pulses (1 count at top)


Warm up – 2 Rounds – (0-10/15)

20 Reverse Lunges / 10 Alt. Seated Thoracic Rotations / 10 Prisoner Good Mornings / 5 Per side KB Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

A) Romanian Deadlift – 4 x 8 @ 70-80% of BS 1rm (10/15-35)

B) Push Jerk + Split Jerk – Build to a Heavy (35-55)

If time Buy Out – 3 min Squat Hold (55-end)


Warm up – 3 Rounds – (0-10)

5 Tempo Goblet Squats @44×0 / 30 sec Squat Jumps / 10 Zombie Squats / 10 Plank Up-downs

Mobility – 1 min Hip Flow / 1 min Right leg calf smash / 1 min Hip Flow / 1 min Left leg calf smash (10-15)

Conjugate Lower Week #3

A) Back Squat – 5-5-3-3-2-2-1 (15-35)

B) Good Morning – 2×10-15 (35-40)

C1) Glute Bridge 2×20

C2) Bar Roll Outs 2×10


D) DB Forward Lunge 3×20 (50-60)


Conjugate lower or

Warm up – (0-10)

10 min AMRAP (easy to mod)

20 Mountain Climbers / 20 Jumping Jacks / 10 Bird Dogs / 10 Scap Only Push-up to Down Dog

EMOM x 7 rounds = 42 min

1) Strict Chin-up x 3-5 *weighted if possible

2) Strict HSPU x 5 or Box HSPU 5-8

3) BB Curl x 10

4) DB Bench Press x 10

5) Skip x 1 min (singles, doubles, practice drills)

6) Rest


Pick a day you missed this week!!

December 7, 2020
