Buy in – EA Warm up
A) 5 Sets
3 Back Squat @75-80% 1RM Back Squat
*Rest as needed between sets.’
**Back Squat % have dropped some this week since the Front Squats are very aggressive and to give you a slight mental break
B) 5 Sets
3 Front Squat @88-95% 1RM Front Squat
*Rest as needed between sets
Buy out – 1 Minute Couch Stretch
1 Minute Adductor Rockbacks
Buy in – 2 Rounds
20 Cal Bike / 10 Empty Bar Muscle Clean + Strict Press / 5 Broad Jumps / 1 Min Plank / 15 Banded Pull Aparts
A) Warm up Power Clean + Push Jerk
Metcon – 21-15-9
Calorie Bike
Clean and Jerk (115/80)
-rest 5 minutes-
Calorie Bike
Clean and Jerks (135/95)
-rest 5 minutes-
Calorie Bike
Clean and Jerks (185/125)
*Female Calories:
Buy out – 1 min per side Posterior Shoulder Smash
Buy in – 2 Sets
10 Prone Is, Ts, & Ys (no weight or very light plates)
10 Single Arm Press (each side, moderate)
A) 3 Sets
3 Double Dumbbell Single Arm Push Press (each side) + 3 Double Dumbbell Single Arm Push Jerk (each side) + 3 Double Dumbbell Single Arm Split Jerk (each side) @ 5/10 RPE
*Keeping one arm overhead the whole time and alternating arms each rep.
**Rest as needed between sets
B) Establish a heavy set of 4 of Double Dumbbell Split Jerk
-Rest 3 Minutes-
2 Sets
15 Unbroken Dumbbell Push Jerk @8-8.5/10RPE
*Rest 90 seconds between sets.
Metcon – 5 Rounds
500m Row
50 Double Unders
rest 30 seconds