Buy In: Mobility soup and move specific warm-up
12 Days of Christmas:
1 Power Clean (95/65)
2 Ring Dips
3 Burpees
4 Pullups
5 T2B
6 Push-ups
7 Jump Squats
8 Scissor Squats / Split Squats
9 Box Jumps
10 Wall Ball
11 KB Swing (55/32)
12 Thrusters (95/65)
Buy in – 2 Rounds
1 min Skip / 10 Empty Bar Front Squats / 1 min Skip / 10 Single Arm DB Strict Press / 1 min skip / 5-10 Pike HSPU
Mobility – Pain Ball on glute and triceps
A) Pause Front Squat + 1 1/4 Front Squat + 1 Front Squat 5 sets between 60-75/80%
Metcon – “Princess SnowFlake”
50 DU, 10 HSPU, 40 DU,8 HSPU, 30 DU,6 HSPU, 20 DU, 4 HSPU, 10 DU, 2 HSPU
Buy in –
1500m Row easy
Then 2 Rounds
5 Clean Shrugs / 5 Hang Squat Cleans / 5 Snatch High Pulls / 5 Power Snatch / 5 per arm DB Thruster
A) Build to working weights for workout should be 60-65% of 1RMs
3 Wise Men
20 Squat Cleans @ 185/135
20 Snatch @ 135/95
20 Thrusters @ 155/95
Buy In: Mobility soup and movement specific warm-up
The Frozen……70 with a partner!
70 Cal Row
70 GHD Situps (scale as needed)
70 C2B Pullups
70 Back Squats (135/95) – from Rack
70 Burpee Box Jumps
70 K2E
70 Front Squats (95/65#) – from floor
70 DU
if you missed any Christmas wods make one up today!!!
if you have done them all you can do the body building bellow
Body Building
3-4 Rounds
10 Rear foot elevated DB Split Squat (moderate weight) (each side)
10 Seated Tempo Double DB Shoulder Press (light weight) (3:1:3:1)
10 Kneeling Banded Hip Extension (moderate tension)
10 Leaning Lateral Raise (moderate weight) (each side)
15 Standing Barbell Calf Raise (moderate weight)
-Rest 1-2 min b/t round-
December 19, 2022