Start your workout out with our “At Home” EA Warm-up 10 Reps of each
Arm and Leg Swings / Burpees / Scorpion / Yoga Push-up / Bird Dog / T-Spine Bridge / Single Leg Romanian Deadlift / Monster Walk / Cossack Squat / Air Squat
Spend some time doing some yoga!!! Lots of paths to follow on youtube!!
16 min EMOM
Odd – 10 Burpees
Even – 5 Lunge Lunge Squat Squat
4 Rounds NOT for time
20 Chair Dips
30 Russian Twist (find something around the house)
20 Tempo Push Ups @30×1
30 sec side plank /side
12 Min AMRAP ladder (up by 3s)
3 Clapping Push-ups
3 V-snaps
3 Jump Squats
A) 50 Cossack Squats for Quality
B) 2 Rounds for time:
75 Walking Lunges
75 Wide Stance Air Squats
75 Reverse Lunges
75 Narrow Stance Air Squat
15 Min AMRAP
10 Burpees
10 Shuttle Runs (10m)
10 V-snaps
10 Shuttle Runs (10m)
For time
50 Burpees
100 Push-ups
150 Sit-ups
200 Air Squats
5 KM Run
20 min AMRAP
10 HSPU (scale to box/pike/or regular push ups)
200-250m Run
30 DU or 50 Jumping Jacks
**when someone gets through this whole list let me know and I will add some more!!
March 16, 2020