August 16th – 22nd programming!


Buy in – EA Warm up

A) Push press 10-8-6-4-2


B) Push Press 4×4 @80%
after each set 10 double DB rows

C) core buster – 3 rounds

50 alternating vsnaps

50 Russian twists


Buy in – 2 Rounds

40 Air Squats / 10 Hanging High knees / 10 Hip Flow / 20 Calf raises

A) Back Squat – 8-8-6-6

8s at 60/70% 6s @80/85%

B) Front Squat – 3×5 @70/75/80%

after each set 5 single leg broad jump or single leg box jumps + 3 max height jumps

Metcon – For time

50 Double Unders

20 Toes To Bar

50 Double Unders

20 Toes To Bar

50 Double Unders


Buy in – 2 Rounds

15/12 cal row / 5 inch worms / 5 Lateral Box Step ups / 5-10 Thrusters add weight each set

Prep – (use same standard as open)

2 Wall Walks / 2 Thrusters at workout weight

Metcon – CrossFit Games event 4


Wall Walks and Thruster (185/135 games weight) (135/95) we will use this as our RX

*20 min cap

Buy out – 3 Rounds

45 Sec Superman hold w/medball on feet

10 Medball rotation throws (each side)

10 Stiff Leg Deadlift w/DB


Buy in – 2 Rounds

15 Step in and out Burpees / 10 Yoga Push Ups / 10 Empty Bar Bench Press 3 second pause at bottom / 20 sec hang

A) Bench Press 5-3-1

5@75, 3@85, 1@95

B) Bench Press 5×3 @80%

after each set 7 per arm single arm Db press

Metcon – 8 Min amrap

20 Air Squats

20 Reverse Lunges

20 second rest


Buy in – 2 Rounds

200m Run / 10 Prisoner Good Mornings / 10 KB Deadlifts / 10 SA DB Snatch

Mobility- Foam roll legs

A) DeadLift – 5-3-1

5@75, 3@85, 1@95+

B) Deadlift 5×3 @88%
*after each set 7 per leg DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

Metcon – For time

10-20-30-40-50 DB Snatch

after each set 200m run


Pick your day!

August 16, 2021
