February 8th to 14th programming!


Warm up – EA Warm up (0-15)

A) Tempo Back Squats @33×1 5×5 @50-60%(15-35)
B) Tempo Push Press @31×3 5×5 @50-60%(35-55)

Buy out – Foam roll Calves and Hammies


Buy in – 12 min Steady Pace

21 cal ERG / 15 Sit-ups / 9 Push-up

mobility – Hand in high band 2+ min per side

Snatch work

A) 3 Shrugs + 3 High Pulls + 3 Power Snatch * 3 sets with BB from hip (20-30)

B) Above the knee Power Snatch x2 + Drop Snatch x2 + OHS x2 *5 sets building (30-45)

C) Snatch 6×1 build to a moderate (no misses) (45-60)


Warm up – 3 Rounds (0-15/20)

10 Burpees / 15 BB Good Mornings (2sec pause) / 15 Banded Glute Bridge / 30 Deficit Step Back Lunges (45 plate)

Prep – Build to working weight of DL (15/20-30)

A) Every 3 min complete – Lateral Buprees over bar x8 + Deadlift x6 @65-75% x6 sets (30-50)

10 min Mobility Buy out- Hight Hamstring on Roller (elevate on high box) + pain ball on low back


Buy in – 2 Rounds (0-15)

75 Skips (double or singles) / 16 Cossack Squats / 10 Pause Front Squats / 10 Banded Pull Aparts

Mobility – Tricep Extensors with peanut (15-20)

A) Front Squat – 7×3 @ 80% (20-45/50)

*rest 90 sec btw sets

B) Hang DB Complex – Right Arm Snatch + Right Arm C+J + Left Arm Snatch + Left Arm C+J x5 build through 4-5 sets


Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-10/15)

10 Inch Worm with Push-up / 10 Windmill (each side) / 20 Lying Windshield wipers / 10 Scap only Pull-ups


Alt DB Bench Press
Skull Crushers
Alt T Planks

DB Pullover
Tricep Kickbacks
Plank (45sec each round)

Diamond Push Ups
Double Unders x5 (Rx+ unbroken) (singles x10)
Plank seesaw

Incline Bench Press
Incline Chest Flies
Plank Up Downs

*rest/set up for next piece as needed


Pick a day from the week!

February 8, 2021
