Buy in – EA Warm up
A) 6 Sets
2 Back Squat @85-90% 1RM Back Squat
*Rest as needed between sets
B) 4 Sets
3 Front Squat @78-83%% 1RM Front Squat
*Rest as needed between sets
Buy in – 2 Sets
1:00 Row (easy-moderate)
8 Snatch Push Press (45/35)
6 Overhead Squat (45/35)
4 Squat Snatch (45/35)
4 Strict Chin Up (done as singles)
Metcon – 3 Sets (1 set every 8 minutes)
12 Strict Pull ups
-straight Into-
3 Rounds
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
200m Row
A) 2 Sets
1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat @80-83% 1 RM Snatch
3 Sets
1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat @85-85+% 1RM Snatch
*Rest 2 minutes between sets
Buy in – 2 Rounds
5 Shuttle Runs
15 Banded Good Morning
5 Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift (each arm, moderate)
:15 Side Plank (each side)
A) 3 Sets
1 Jerk Dip + 1 Pause Push Jerk + 1 Jerk Dip + 1 Pause Jerk @ 5-6/10RPE
*Rest as needed between sets.
*Pauses are in receive position for Push Jerk and split position for Split Jerk and are 3 seconds each
B) Take 10-12 minutes to establish a heavy set of 2 Split Jerk.
-Rest 3 minutes-
Unbroken Push Jerk
*Rest 90 seconds between sets.
**Set 1 @7.5/10 RPE, Set 2 @8.5/10 RPE, Set 3 @9.5/10 RPE
Metcon – 5 Rounds
15 GHD Sit Ups
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
5 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
*Rx Sub for GHD Sit Up: 30 Abmat Sit Up.
Buy in – 2 Sets
10 Hand Release Push Up
5 Single Arm Bench Press (each side, moderate)
10 Floor Angels
A) 8 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press + 10 Dumbbell Incline Piston Bench Press @6.5/10 RPE
6 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press + 8 Dumbbell Incline Piston Bench Press @7.5/10 RPE
4 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press + 6 Dumbbell Incline Piston Bench Press @8.5/10 RPE
6 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press + 8 Dumbbell Incline Piston Bench Press @8/10 RPE
8 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press + 10 Dumbbell Incline Piston Bench Press @7/10 RPE
B) 4-5 Sets
5 Pendlay Row @9/10 RPE
5 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row (each side) @9.5/10 RPE
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Metcon – 12 Min Amrap
50 Ft DB OH Walking Lunge
15 T2B
3 Wall Walks
Buy in – 2 Sets
1:00 Cardio (Your choice – light/moderate)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Front Squat (each arm, light)
5 No Jump Burpee
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Press (each arm, light)
5 Box Jump w/Step Down
Partner Throwdown Friday
40 Dumbbell Front Squats (2×35/25)
40 Box Jumps (24/20)
-rest 3 minutes-
40 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2×35/25)
40 Burpee Over Dumbbell
-rest 3 minutes-
20 Dumbbell Front Squats (2×35/25)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
-rest 3 minutes-
20 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2×35/25)
20 Burpee Over Dumbbell
All Syncro!
Buy out – 3 Sets
5 Heel Elevated Deep Lunge (each side)
0:30 Pogo Jump
10 Toe Elevated Single Arm Dumbbell RDL
7 Heel Elevated Pause Goblet Squat (pause for 2 seconds in the bottom)