November 18 – 24 programming!!


Buy in – 2 Sets
1:00 Row (easy-moderate) / 10 Glute Bridge / 30 sec per side tri stretch / 5 ankle rockers each side / 10 Cossack Squats / 5 Pause Back Squats

Mobility – Deep lunge

A) 5 Sets
3 Back Squat @79-84% 1RM Back Squat
*Rest as needed between sets

B) 5 Sets
3 Front Squat @84-89% 1RM Front Squat
*Rest as needed between sets


Buy in – 2 Rounds

1:00 Row (easy-moderate) / 10 Hanging Scap retractions / 5 Kip to Swing / 5 Box Dip / 5 DB OHS per arm

Metcon – 3 Sets
AMRAP 5 Minutes
6 Alt DB Squat Snatch
3 Bar Muscle Ups
15/12 Calorie Row

rest 3 min btw sets

A) 3 Sets
5 Double Dumbbell Push Press + 5 Double Dumbbell Push Jerk + 5 Double Dumbbell Split Jerk @5-6/10 RPE

B) Take 10-12 minutes to establish a heavy set of 5 Double Dumbbell Push Jerk

if time do second part!

-Then, rest 3 minutes before next part-

2 Sets
20 Unbroken Dumbbell Push Jerk @7.5-8/10 RPE
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets-


Buy in – 2 Rounds

1:00 Bike (easy-moderate)
5 Spiderman Lunge (each leg)
5 No Jump Burpee
5 Wall Ball (light weight to high target)
5 Box Jumps (low to moderate height)

A) 3 Sets
10 Tempo Single Arm Dumbbell RDL (5 seconds down, 5 seconds up, per arm) (per side)
:30 Single Leg Banded Glute Bridge (per side)
-rest 2:00-2:30 between sets-

Metcon – for time

8 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-
16 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
16 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-
24 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-
32 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
32 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-
40 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
40 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)


Buy in – 2 Rounds

:30 Ski (moderate)
10 Kip Swings
:20 Side Plank (each side)
:20 Handstand Hold into 1 Slow Negative Handstand Push Up

A) Take 12 minutes to build to a heavy double Power Clean.


20 Sets (New set every :30)
1 Power Clean @80-85% of established double for the day.

Metcon – 3-4 Sets
18 Calorie Ski
12 Toes to Bar
6 Strict Handstand Push Ups (OR 9 Kipping Handstand Push Ups)
-rest 1:1 b/t sets-


Buy in -2 Sets
10 Hand Release Push Up
5 Single Arm Bench Press (each side, moderate)

A) 9 Wide Grip Bench Press @6.5/10 RPE
7 Wide Grip Bench Press @7/5/10 RPE
5 Wide Grip Bench Press @8.5/10 RPE
7 Wide Grip Bench Press @8/10 RPE
9 Wide Grip Bench Press @7/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets

B) 4 Sets
10 Tempo Single Arm Dumbbell Row (5 second eccentric, explode up row) @6-7/10 RPE
10 Dumbbell Reverse Flies w/1 second pause at the top of each rep @6/10 RPE
-rest 2:00-2:30 between sets-

Partner Throwdown Friday

10 Minute AMRAP

Partner 1 does 10 Shuttle Sprints

Partner 2 does Crossovers

switch when shuttle sprints are done

count crossovers

November 18, 2024
