Buy in – EA Warm Up (0-15)
A) Push Press – Build to a Heavy 5 in 6 sets then drop down 10% and do 3 sets EMOM (15-40)
B) DB Box 5 sets of 16 moderate load rest 60-90 between sets (40-60)
Buy in – 10 min skipping practice
then 3 Rounds – 10 Banded Good Mornings / 10 Banded Pull Aparts / 10 Deadlifts (light) / 10 Deadbug
A) Tempo Deadlift – 7×3 – 5 sec eccentric
no hook grip + no reverse grip
B) Strict Chin up – 5×10 unbroken
Buy in – 2 Rounds
10 Zombie Squats / 5 Pause Front Squats / 5 1+1/4 front squats / 10 Per side – side lying rotations / 10 Hip flow with stretch
Mobility – Wrist/forearm stretch 2 min
A) Pause Front Squat x1 + Front Squat x1 – 6-7 sets to build to a heavy *pause for 3 seconds rest 1.5/2 min between sets
B1) DB Fly x12
B2) Push up x12
rest 60-90 between sets x4-5 sets
Buy in – 2 Rounds (0-15)
30 Cal Row / 15 Kip Swings / 1 min Russian Twist Hold (hold plate or ball with straight arms) / 10 No bar Power Cleans (work on proper hip function)
A) Low Hang Power Cleans – 5 working sets of 5
*find working weight in 3-4 sets (15-45)
B) 25-20-15-10-5
Cal Row + Sit ups
Buy in – 3 Rounds (0-15/20)
10 Glute Bridge / 20 Speed Skaters / 5 YTWA’s (you choose style) / 20 Alternating V-Snaps
A)EMOM x 20
- Russian KBS x 12-16 (heavy)
- Walking Lunges in your box x 1 min
- Sumo KB Deadlift x15 (same as KBS)
- Lateral Lunge x 1 min
- rest
B) BB Bent over row 6×10
*wide grip
pick a day from the week you missed!
March 29, 2021